Thursday, July 8, 2010

2009 Jr Hunt Coues Buck

Well things have been beyond busy around home and the woods, so its been a while!!  Here is good friend Wyatt Reynolds with his great buck he harvested a couple hours into his Jr hunt in AZ last year.  Wyatt and his dad make for some great fun when out in the woods.  We were able to help out Wyatt and watch him take this great buck.  In 2008, he took a great desert muley with the help of guide Jay Lopeman, and decided he would like to get a coues.  A few hours into the hunt Wyatt was standing over his first coues which scored over 101".  Congrats Wyatt.... Good Luck in the Draw!!!
My son Tate and Wyatt.

Some still shots of Wyatts buck taken off video moments before he takes his shot.

Check out the bullet just before impact.