Congratulations to Stan on his huge 2013 AZ Coues buck that he was able to harvest. This buck has almost capped off what has been a very special year that we were able to share with many clients. The buck that Stan harvested was a buck that was located early on and lost. Here is a quick story and several pictures of the deer.
Stan started his hunt coming out earlier in the season to hunt a great buck that was later harvested and scored an amazing 125". While out scouting some new country, Luke called and said he had glassed up a buck that we had located earlier in the year but had since disappeared. However, this buck was in some rough, thick and unforgiving country. With the rut coming on, we hoped the couple does in the area would pull this huge buck out of his jungle. The day started with several mule deer being glassed, right where he always would hang out. The muleys were rutting hard and hopes were that the muleys had not pushed the other does out of the area. With all of us on the glass, if finally happended! Justin and Marc caught movement up on the ridge. The two does popped out with this buck behind them. He pushed them over a half mile right to the area where he was bedded a few days prior. Fortunately, Stan is in great shape and hiked off one mountain and over to the other to get into position. We had the buck found but he would not leave the thick stuff. And to make matters worse, another buck showed up and fought with him for about 10 minutes. This fight was the most aggressive fighting I have ever witnessed. We could actually hear their antlers banging over 1,000 yards away. The buck continued to move quickly in the semi-open country and not offer any kind of shot. This went on for over an hour with Stan waiting and waiting. Finally, the bucks does fed across an opening, and he followed. Stan shot this buck at 353 yards on a stiff walk, right in the wheelhouse. We were a bit surprised by the shot, but we knew the buck was hit hard so I headed over to a look.
This is what I saw when I walked up on the buck. |
This buck had more ground "growage" than any other deer we had walked up on. We knew he was a big deer, but we had no idea he was as big as he is. His body was huge, as big as any coues deer I have ever seen, and his mass was nothing short of incredible. The buck is over 16" wide, with beams that average 19.5". Over 35" in mass, with the right horn scoring 68" and the left 55 7/8" A final score revealed he was 140 2/8" gross. This makes him the largest buck ever taken with a statewide tag in the state of Arizona. Congratulations to Stan on this once in a lifetime buck! Special thanks to all the MBAZ guides who work so hard doing what they love. More pics and video coming.
Stan with his big buck. |
Jay, Luke, and Stan with 140" buck! |
Stan and his buck. |
All of with Stan and his huge buck! |
Justin holding this buck! |
Chad and the buck. |