Well the bulls are starting to bugle and wallow and things are starting to heat up! I watched a couple big bulls first thing this morn then decided to go for a walk. I'd been wanting to try a new area were I believe Big J sheds his antlers and since I have two of his sheds so far, I was hoping to run across the other sides. Plus, this would give me an excuse to check the rubs and wallows in this area in anticipation of the upcoming hunts. About a 1/2 hour into the hike I ran across a bunch of javelina. I never pass up an opportunity to stalk in on stink hogs and I quickly found myself in the middle of about 20-25 javelina. I got the video cam out and gave them a few squeaks to get them all worked up. I had pigs of all sizes within 10 yards and as I was done messing around and was in the process of putting my camera away I noticed a couple odd looking pigs coming towards me. I got the video cam rolling again and captured these twin yearlings. Not quite albino but as light as I've ever seen. They had more of a vanilla look to them. This is as close to an albino pig as I've ever seen.
These pigs might be better off when the snow starts to fly!!!
About an hour laters as I was making my way through the thick junipers I finally stumbled across a good shed. This shed has all the characteristics of the bull I was looking for and quite possibly could be his shed from about 3 years ago. I spent another 2 hours looking for the match with no luck. This shed is a beauty. Long tines that are still intact and great mass. I measured this shed at 175 4/8". Another great horn to toss on the bone pile.
"As it lays" Got lucky and caught a glimpse through the brush.. |
Check out the tine length!! Measured at 175 4/8" |
Want to see what makes me pay attention to every step......
Even though it wasn't a rattlesnake, it sure made me watch every step for the rest of the day!!